The summer is going by quickly for us on Aucoin Brook! The past two weeks have been our last with the YSI Water parameter probe, generously loaned to us by the SMU Environmental Monitoring Network, and we completed all of the data collection for 2015. We are glad to be testing the water at various sites along the brook, all the way from the rocky First Barrier falls to the silty and slow-flowing sections near the Cabot Trail bridge. Prior to any data analysis, the water temperatures throughout the water course are steady and range between 11 degrees (upstream sections) and 17 degrees Celsius (downstream sections).
A stunning view from our first monitoring site at Aucoin Brook!
We have also been assisted by local chainsaw expert Albert Deveaux in removing the alders that have grown down into the flow of the brook. We decided to begin this project by the suggestion of Daryl Guignion, a river sedimentation specialist and biologist from UPEI, who came to visit both the Cheticamp River Project and Aucoin brook in Week 3.
Jeremy Camus and Stephane Muise work on filling the data collection forms.
We are looking forward to the remaining three weeks of our summer and have lots of work planned. Stay tuned for more updates!