The habitat restoration work being completed on the Cheticamp River in partnership between the Cheticamp River Salmon Association and Parks Canada received national recognition this year with the receipt of a Parks Canada CEO Award of Excellence.
The Parks Canada CEO Awards of Excellence recognize Parks Canada team members and partners who have demonstrated a high level of excellence or achieved outstanding results. This year’s award for Engaging Partners was presented to the Cheticamp River restoration team, made up of members from the Cheticamp River Salmon Association and Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Team members who received the award here Rene Aucoin and Jillian Baker (Cheticamp River Salmon Association), and Archie Doucette, Claudie Maillet, Jacques Chaisson, Willie Deveau, Jerry Leblanc, Kelly Deveaux, James Bridgeland, Chris Bellemore, and Coady Slaunwhite (Cape Breton Highlandlands National Park).
Buoyed by the results from the work completed in 2014, the restoration team is enthusiastically undertaking the second phase of the project.
Derek Quann (Acting Superintendent for Cape Breton Highlands National Park) presenting CEO Award of Excellence to Rene Aucoin, President of the Cheticamp River Salmon Association.
Parks Canada CEO Award recipients and presenters, from left to right: Jerry LeBlanc, Archie Doucette, Jillian Baker, Blair Purdy (Field Unit Superintendent for Cape Breton Field Unit), Willie Deveau, Jacques Chiasson, Coady Slaunwhite, Kelly Deveaux, Claudie Maillet, George Green (Parks Canada's Vice-President of Heritage Conservation and Commemoration), James Bridgland, Chris Bellemore, and Derek Quann (Acting Superintendent for Cape Breton Highlands National Park).