Welcome Anglers to our 2024 Creel Survey!

We stumbled upon a gem of an old creel survey from 1994 and got inspired to embark on a journey to collect new data from 2024. We’re excited to invite you to participate and help us compare to the results from exactly 30 years ago! Conducting this creel survey will be an important exercise for us, as well as an invaluable tool to help with understanding and managing our precious aquatic resources.

While our primary focus in this creel survey is Atlantic salmon, we encourage you to collect any data available, irrespective of whether your fishing experience aligns with your anticipated results (e.g., if you’re fishing for salmon and end up catching a brown trout, we want to
hear about it!).

This survey will be conducted from June 1st - August 31st for the Cheticamp River!

Please use the following salmon age classes: grilse, multi-sea winter (msw). 
At the end of each species, specify whether it was a landed fish or just hooked.

Please provide your contact information down below and fill out the survey for each fishing trip made!

Tight lines and happy angling!

Note: This data is being collected for our own research. Participants' names will not be made public, or attached to data and/or responses to interview questions.