Last Sunday the CRSA hosted the annual Fishing Derby at Pétit Lac in Grand Étang which coincided with the Nova Scotia Sportfishing weekend. The sportfishing weekend allows both resident as well as non-residents of Nova Scotia to fish without a license and is a great opportunity to get the entire family out for a fun day of fishing!
Abigail Haché smiles for the camera as she waits for a trout to take a bite!
Anglers arrived as early as 6 a.m. to get the perfect spot to set up for the morning and kids participating in the anglers under 16 category started to arrive around 8 a.m. This year, thanks to funding from Destination Cape Breton, we were able to incorporate an over 16 category for the adult with the largest fish caught. The CRSA also hosted a free barbeque to fuel the many hungry anglers throughout the morning.
Second prize winner, Luke Aucoin, shows off his big catch!
The first prize winner of $50 for the anglers under 16 was Christopher Poirier (14) with his 2 pound nine ounce speckled trout. The runners up were Luke Aucoin (6) with a two pound eight ouncer and Ellen Chiasson (12) who caught one weighing one pound four ounces. Prizes for youngest angler and best female angler were also awarded to Luke Aucoin and Ellen Chiasson, respectively. The winner of the adult angler category was Fernand Larade with his 2 pound twelve and a half ounce speckled trout.
A big thanks to everyone who came out and made this year's fishing derby a success and we look forward to seeing you again next year! A special thank you goes out to Wabo's Pizza, Mr. Chicken and the Chéticamp Co-Op for generously donating the prizes.